Work Mode – ON ! While picking up all the existential skills and new hobbies during the covid forced stay-at-home phase, one thing which kept picking at the back of my mind was the need to get a taste of real corporate life. I was well aware of it being a necessity for college credit points, but at a personal level too I was equally eager to explore the various opportunities available. Thus having made my mind to search for an adequate internship, I set myself at the task. First step was to choose a specialisation and after lot of search and studying industry trends, settled in for the field of “Digital Marketing”. A major role in this regard was also played by my earlier skillset of a series of Google certifications I had undertaken as part of upgrading my knowledge. In the entire tenure, I interned with 2 diverse companies - Venuegide and Delhi-very. as a matter of fact, my internship at Delhi-very is still on at the time of writing this blog and I ...